This is the "Version Number" for the QuickHelp application you are running. Use this number when requesting technical assistance with QuickHelp.
Click to accept changes made in this dialog.
Click to cancel changes made in this dialog.
Type in a new name for the Bookmark.
Change the command key for the bookmark.
Change the command key for the bookmark. Not available because you've deleted all the Bookmarks.
Select a Bookmark to edit. If click and drag it, you can change the order that it appears in the menu in the Help Window.
Delete the currently selected bookmark. If you make a mistake, press Cancel.
Delete the currently selected bookmark. If you make a mistake, press Cancel. Not available becuase there isn't a bookmark selected in the list.
Click to start the search.
Click to start the search. Not available because you haven't entered any text.
Dismiss the dialog without doing anything.
Type the word or part of a word that you want to search for.
Click to accept changes made in this dialog.
Click to cancel changes made in this dialog.
Enter the name of the Bookmark.
Select a Command Key for the Bookmark.
Click this to stop the current action.
Select this to open a file that will help explain how to use QuickHelp. However, that file may be missing or unavailable.
Select this to open a file that will help explain how to use QuickHelp. Not available because there is a dialog in front.
Click to go to the previous related topic. If unavailable, there are no previous related topics.
Click to go to the next related topic. If unavailable, there are no next related topics.
Go to the previous topic that you were viewing. If unavailable, there are no previous topics.
Click to show a menu of topics you've previously viewed. Select one of them to go to that topic.
Click to show a menu of Bookmarks you've set. Select one of them to go to that Bookmark. There are also menu items that allow you to set new Bookmarks or change exisiting ones.
Click to show a menu of Bookmarks you've set. Select one of them to go to that Bookmark. Not available either because there isn't a Help File open or there is a dialog in front.
Brings up the Set Bookmarks dialog which allows you to set a Bookmark. Not available either because there isn't a Help File open or there is a dialog in front.
Click to show a menu of topics you've previously viewed. Select one of them to go to that topic. Not available either because there isn't a Help File open or there is a dialog in front.
Clears all the entries in this menu. Use this if there are too many items in the menu. Not available either because there isn't a Help File open or there is a dialog in front.